Willoughby City Council will permit alternative planting plans for nature strips/road verges on the condition that they are first approved by Council and in accordance...
Transforming Our Nature Strips into a Resource for Nature by: Jim Williams Nature Strip Update Some 32 months ago, we commenced the transformation of our...
Council plants the street trees, residents can plant a low-growing, preferably native verge garden. Permits required even if you fit within the guidelines. See their...
This is a very basic and quite restrictive policy. You need to submit the form confirming that you will comply with all requirements before planting....
A very practical policy. Council does the street trees. Residents can plant low-growing gardens. Native plants preferred, no rocks or other trip hazards, leave access...
My sustainability journey brought me back to verge gardens when I attended my first Australian Conservation Foundation Brisbane Northside event and met Gayle from The...
Planting is restricted to well back from the roadside: Residents may plant vegetation in a well-prepared cultivated area within the natural ground, set back a...
This Council seems keen to encourage verge gardening to tackle urban heat by providing events like this: Planting a verge garden why how It's not...
There's a great story here about Wagga's strategy for street trees to cool the city. Their award-winning strategy even includes the statement: "Promotion of water-wise...
A fairly standard policy - encourages the use of native or indigenous plants, no hazards. They do allow some paving provided it is not intended...
You need to apply for approval if garden beds or landscaping are beyond 900mm of the front boundary or your property; you want to install...
No permits required if you stay within their guidelines and plant native and indigenous plants. Download pdf documents from https://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/Live-Work/Roads-Drains-Paths/Footpaths-and-nature-strips/Nature-Strips
The Street Tree Program and Nature Verge initiatives aim to reintroduce native vegetation to the streetscapes that provide habitat for native fauna. Residents can draw...
Bridgeman Downs is in the northern Brisbane Suburbs. This is a new group based around the original garden that inspired the Shady Lanes Project.
East Gippsland Verge Gardens is a new group promoting the development of verge gardens to cool and beautify our streets, and provide habitat for local...
East Gippsland Shire Council is currently rewriting their verge policy and guidelines for residents and Judy Clarke is contact with them. Please subscribe to the...
Keep Sandgate Beautiful Association launched their verge garden project in late 2023. The aim is to raise awareness of biodiversity in their local community within...
The Habitat Brisbane program is Brisbane City Council's community bushcare volunteer program. It supports over 160 Habitat Brisbane groups whose hands-on conservation efforts protect and...
Darwin have verge guidelines and help residents set up their verge. They have a nature strip assistance program and provide materials to get started on...
"To make sure your verge garden meets the City of Marion Council requirements, residents are encouraged to read the attached Verge Garden and Development Guidelines....
City of Vincent council is a leader in verge gardening. Not only do they allow gardens, they include a verge garden category in their annual...
Merri-bek City Council (was Moreland City Council) encourages residents to plant native plants or vegetables in their nature strip in line with their Nature Strip Guidelines....
Personal garden blog and garden journal for a Brisbane garden growing native plants for wildlife and food plants for people. Ponds and birdbaths provide water....
A larger, squarish shaped verge garden, council compliant and growing well with native plants, many sourced from the local indigenous plants nursery Riviera Nursery, Paynesville....
The Banyo District includes Banyo, Nudgee, Nudgee Beach and the surrounding area in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. See our members' gardens here. For more...
You do not need approval for: a low growing water wise garden reticulation verges mulched with organic mulch lawn You do need approval for: paving...
It was a few months back when I noticed verge plantings popping up around my neighbourhood, Northgate Ward, Brisbane. Colourful, low-growing native plants were suddenly...
You do not need permission for low growing water-wise verge gardens. An application form is available for alternative gardens. See the City's Street Verge Landscape...
The City allows residents to plant or install lawn, plants and/or organic mulch on the verge without prior approval. Materials which require approval include paving,...
There is no verge garden policy but this council allows residents to plant street trees. See the link to the fact sheets on planting and...
Council permission is not required if you stay within their guidelines. However, there is no guidance in language aimed at residents. They refer them to...
This large verge garden was converted with the help of the Nundah Community Enterprises Co-operative (NCEC)‘s youth co op members during August and September 2023...
Limited planting for verge gardens is permitted without a permit. "The landscaping must be adjacent to the property boundary and no wider than 500mm." Anything...
See the results of the consultation process and draft of the new nature strip guidelines more updates to the website to come in 2025 These...
Verge gardens are encouraged but permits are required. No structures e.g. frames or arches to support plantings, garden edging, retaining walls, rocks, bollards. Planter Boxes only...
Photo shows the second working bee for 47 Bilambil St in July 2023. This extends the verge garden next door and will have the same...
This policy assumes that you are going to plan your garden upfront and complete the planting within 14 days from date of approval - and...
Permits are required. No payment is required. See announcement from the Mayor at https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=246158297460901 "Council's current position is that fruit and vegetable gardens are not...
Permits are required for all verge gardens. Plan drawing are to be included with applications. Property owners may develop their verge areas, provided the type...
"The City encourages residents to undertake landscaping and maintenance of the verge area adjacent to their property. Preference will be given to the use of...
From their Vibrant Verges Booklet (pdf) which has a good list of recommended plants, plants to avoid, and some examples of verge treatments. "The City...
"The City encourages residents to grow water-wise, native, or edible gardens on their verges. Converting verge lawns to water wise gardens is estimated to save around...
This council encourages residents to get together with neighbours to transport their verges to increase biodiversity and reduce water usage. Rebates are available. You need...
Guidelines for establishing a verge garden in Brisbane are at https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/clean-and-green/natural-environment-and-water/plants-trees-and-gardens/verge-gardens "Residents are encouraged to use native or water-wise plants where possible." You cannot include...
"In the interest of our future wellbeing, the Town wishes to encourage verge gardens that are water wise, aesthetically pleasing and that reflect our natural,...
The Shire encourages the residents to plant drought tolerant verge treatments Link to policy "Road Verge Development" is available on the Council's policies page https://www.esperance.wa.gov.au/council/publications-documents/council-policies.aspx...
"The City encourages the planting out the verge with ground cover, grass, small shrubs or an edible garden. Where the verge is adjacent to a...
Council has a new Street Garden policy which allows residents to have a garden in the nature strip out the front of their home. The...
Bendigo have quite a restrictive policy and discourage verge gardens claiming that they are much more work and much more expensive than grass. They do...
"Grass is the preferred surface... Soft-limbed ground cover plants that do not pose a risk to the public or environment are also permissible." Fees apply...
There are the usual concerns about safety and visibility but this is quite restrictive and permits required. Interestingly, most of the suggested plants are not...
"The City of Mandurah encourages soft landscaping treatments and supports the Water Corporation’s initiative of Waterwise verges." Any resident can register their verge as "No...
Planting guidelines are similar to other councils - street trees are done by the council, residents can only plant low growing plants. Their guidelines are...
Growing the wild plants of South East Queensland Community nursery providing tubestock. Prices and stock list on the website. W: ppnn.org.au F: @PatenParkNativeNursery
This council is clearly not keen so staying well within the guidelines. Nature Strip Modification Permit and fee required before planting. Applicable only to nature...
Permits are required before planting. Organic garden practices only (no snail bait or chemical sprays). Emphasis on protecting the street trees. Ensure mulch doesn’t spill onto...
Private facebook group for BCC residents to share tips, photos, and ideas about their verge gardens. This group has no connection with Brisbane City Council.
I’m Helen and I live in Alderley, South East Queensland. In September 2022 I fulfilled a long-held dream of creating a verge garden outside our...
Residents can help to build a bio-diverse network that supports pollinators. Through research provided by the Avon-on-the-Lake Garden Club, City Council passed an ordinance in...
The current guidelines are under review with a new policy expected in late 2023. Still going in December 2024. See https://www.yourcityyourvoice.com.au/nature-strips
In order to plant in the gardening strip, a Street Use permit is required. But, as long as it meets guidelines, the permit is free!...
Planting on the inside berm (between property line and footpath) is allowed See https://www.nelson.govt.nz/building-and-property/property-land-use/property-ownership/residential-berm-planting
Permits are required - and obtained by using the Online Nature Strip Approval Form. If you sell your property, you need to return to grass...
Excellent policy and guidelines with lots of tips to assist residents in establishing their verge gardens, particulary with native plants. "The City encourages the use...
We have been happily transforming the verge at 45 Bilambil Street. In this post, I am excited to give you a brief overview of our...
Street trees are cared for and maintained by Wyndham City. Contact the council and ask for one. The common restrictions are there re maintaining sightlines,...
No approval is necessary if you stay within the guidelines. Maximum plant height 700mm. Contact the council to request street trees. Native plants preferred. Guidelines,...
Another council who sees verge gardens as an important part of the Urban Forest. This is a fairly low-key policy where you can proceed providing...
Some verge planting is allowed on nature strips: low-growing, non-invasive, less than 50cm high. Access required for pedestrians and people alighting from parked cars. Non-arterial...
We have a new street tree between our young street tree and the neighbours established street tree. It's just inside their verge so I've checked...
We started the verge garden 12 months ago. We have over-sown the existing non-native grass with Dichondra Repens, a no-mow native grass with pretty kidney...
No permit is required for lawns, reticulation or low growing (<600mm in height) native gardens on nature strips if you stay within the guidelines. Applications...
Approval is not required for low shrubs and groundcovers, mulch, organic and some surface treatments but the installation must meet the Guidelines A Waterwise Verge...
We’ve officially launched our Verge Garden Program! Residents and local businesses can now plant on suitable “nature strips” near them, after 3 simple steps: Check...
The Street Garden Guidelines are for gardens in planter boxes on nature strips and median strips. Residents need to pay to apply for a permit,...
This is a cautious policy. Permits are required. Food gardens and fruit trees are prohibited. Permits are required. You will need to ensure that your...
This council requires landscaping plans and public liability and seems aimed at large projects rather than individual gardeners. You cannot change a naturestrip without Council approval. Recommend...
No written approval is required for verges containing natural lawn, garden or organic mulch. For any other materials acceptable under their policy, you must submit...
The policy for Nature Strips is at the bottom of the page about Community Gardens. This is the first policy I have seen state explicity...
'Residents are permitted to plant ground covers and low-growing shrubs and grasses as an alternative to grass. Indigenous plants are preferred as they provide habitat...
Recommended plants are native and indigenous wildflowers, ground covers and low growing shrubs. A soil contamination report before edible plants such as vegetables, herbs or...
Our gardens and nature strips can offer our native wildlife much-needed habitat, food, water, and safety. This facebook group is for sharing ideas, information, resources,...
"Residents, through the Nature Strip Landscaping Guidelines are supported to develop landscapes." This is a light policy with many of the standard features - space...
Over the last 3 months I have gradually been adding to my little verge garden. I have chosen a narrow strip in front of my...
See the Verge Garden (for the verge outside your home) and Adopt-a-spot Policy and Guidelines. Complete the online Verge Garden Application Form. You need to...
This council actively encourages verge gardens, including providing a paid service to remove dolomite if you don't want to do it yourself. They also have...
Ingrained Foundation provided a grant in 2022 for a collaborative project where Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) and Regen Brisbane/Meeanjin will work with the Shady Lanes...
Want to get involved with an organisation that helps protect a local bushland or coastal area from weeds and other invasive species? There are thousands...
Joondalup have a fairly basic set up guidelines - low growing plants to maintain visibility, clear access for pedestrians, no trees. Options for hard landscaping....
I'd toyed with the idea of planting a verge garden for years but after reading the council requirements didn't feel confident in starting one. I...
My verge garden started last year was just going to be herbs and flowers to share with the neighbours. But nothing grew except a few...
The City of Subiaco encourages residents to establish and maintain the verge adjacent to their property. The city encourages landscaping that uses low water use...
As the land owner, the City of Adelaide needs to assess and approve your proposal. We do this by way of a simple nature strip...
Review the Road verge planting guidelines and then complete the New community plantings within the road verge checklist All responses to the checklist questions must...
"Well maintained nature strips add value to adjoining private properties and contribute neighbourhood character. Landscaping in nature strips should also enhance and reinforce neighbourhood character."...
Council supports the planting of verge gardens which make a positive contribution to the local streetscape, provided property owners receive consent from Council and maintain...
by: Jim Williams I belong to the Pullen Pullen Catchments Group and have a great interest in natural bush regeneration where plants are not planted...
Council also allows the planting of low-growing (less than 0.5m), soft foliage plants, with written approval. Council will want assurance that: a 1.5m clearance is...
You can plant on your nature strip without Council approval if you meet the guidelines. However, you will need approval from Council and also VicRoads...
Broken Hill's policy, "To allow residents and property owners the opportunity to beautify their nature strips by various landscaping works which comply with Council Regulations",...
Facebook group to post photos of your favourite Brisbane street trees. Brisbane has lots of street trees - but it needs more. This group is...
"Growing Community, Growing Together" Note - This group is by Verge Garden Projects Australia. This group is the foundations for community involvement across Australia and...
Permits are required for all projects. Plants are to be no more than 400mm high, 1 metre clearance against the road for car passengers, 1...
Excavation and cultivation must be by hand. Low growing plants, no weeds, fine gravel or organic mulch. Prune plants so they do not protrude onto...
ACF Community Brisbane Northside is an independently organised, volunteer-run group representing Brisbane northern suburbs and Moreton Bay region and is part of the Australian Conservation...
This is my nature strip that you see in many of the photos on this website. The strip has a street tree planted by Council...
"Victoria Walks is an evidence-based health promotion charity, leading the move for walkable communities in Australia since 2009." We work primarily in Victoria, but increasingly...
"Council has developed guidelines to assist residents who are keen to plant and maintain indigenous vegetation on their nature strip. Planting indigenous plants on nature...
Extensive and prescriptive policy, includes option to apply online. Requires resident to have public liability insurance. https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/info/20006/roads_footpaths_and_drains/430/nature_strips
Logan City is between Brisbane and the Gold Coast in Queensland. You need to apply for a permit online but they are self-assessable and you...
Sunshine Coast guidelines and planting list are here. (updated 22 June 2022) They provide an approved plant list. To be eligible for planting under self-assessment,...
Prior to any works commencing, complete and submit the Landscaping a Verge Application Form and have it approved. This council also has a No Weed...
Council website includes what is and isn't allowed as well as plant lists and an Indigenous Plant Guide https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/looking-after-your-nature-strip See also Council's Gardens for Wildlife...
This council also has a Water Wise Verge Incentive Scheme that offers residents a rebate of up to $500 on creating a WA native waterwise...
Local native plants encouraged. Permits not needed if you stay within the guidelines. See the website for guidelines and application form. https://www.bassendean.wa.gov.au/develop-build/engineering-infrastructure/verges.aspx
See the council website for policy and Verge Garden Tips booklet. Low growing local natives are recommended. The City’s Bushcare officers can provide advice on...
Kumbartcho is operated by Volunteers in partnership with Moreton Bay Regional Council and is located at Eatons Hill, just on Brisbane's Northern border. On site, there is...