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Fremantle Verge Garden Policy, Advice and Assistance

Excellent policy and guidelines with lots of tips to assist residents in establishing their verge gardens, particulary with native plants.

“The City encourages the use of native plants and organic mulch on verges.”

Voucher for up to 40 low cost native plants and some assistance to those in need in original earthworks.

See https://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/verge-gardens-scheme

or direct link to the pdf guidelines

This policy allows many things that other councils don’t – seats, play equipment, paving, logs, etc. Provision for pedestrians is very basic. It’s a long document and assumes quite a lot of knowledge and commitment from the verge gardeners.

Local Government Area
City of Fremantle
Council Allows Verge Gardens?
Verge gardens allowed, Plants intended for eating allowed, Permits required