Nature Strips and Verge Gardens

Nature strips and verge gardens are in the space between the front property line and the kerb. This area is normally mown by the residents but a growing number are choosing to plant gardens instead. We encourage native gardens for habitat that comply with local council policies. Register here to add your nature strip (it's free) to provide examples and inspiration to others.
15 item(s) found
Transforming Our Nature Strips into a Resource for Nature by: Jim Williams Nature Strip Update Some 32 months ago, we commenced the transformation of our...
My sustainability journey brought me back to verge gardens when I attended my first Australian Conservation Foundation Brisbane Northside event and met Gayle from The...
A larger, squarish shaped verge garden, council compliant and growing well with native plants, many sourced from the local indigenous plants nursery Riviera Nursery, Paynesville....
It was a few months back when I noticed verge plantings popping up around my neighbourhood, Northgate Ward, Brisbane. Colourful, low-growing native plants were suddenly...
Photo shows the second working bee for 47 Bilambil St in July 2023. This extends the verge garden next door and will have the same...
I’m Helen and I live in Alderley, South East Queensland.  In September 2022 I fulfilled a long-held dream of creating a verge garden outside our...
My local council provided some free native grasses which I've used near the corner, so as to keep the view line clear for traffic. Elsewhere...
We have been happily transforming the verge at 45 Bilambil Street.  In this post, I am excited to give you a brief overview of our...
We have a new street tree between our young street tree and the neighbours established street tree. It's just inside their verge so I've checked...
We started the verge garden 12 months ago. We have over-sown the existing non-native grass with Dichondra Repens, a no-mow native grass with pretty kidney...
Over the last 3 months I have gradually been adding to my little verge garden. I have chosen a narrow strip in front of my...
I'd toyed with the idea of planting a verge garden for years but after reading the council requirements didn't feel confident in starting one. I...
My verge garden started last year was just going to be herbs and flowers to share with the neighbours. But nothing grew except a few...
by: Jim Williams I belong to the Pullen Pullen Catchments Group and have a great interest in natural bush regeneration where plants are not planted...
This is my nature strip that you see in many of the photos on this website. The strip has a street tree planted by Council...